Please note - Effective 6/29/24 our mailing address has changed!
The new mail address is P.O. Box 612 Wilton, NH 03086
Our mobile number and email address remain the same.
Souhegan Valley Rides
Souhegan Valley Rides (SVR) is a curb-to-curb, "dial-a-ride" type bus service
available to residents of Amherst, Brookline, Hollis, Milford, Mont Vernon and Wilton NH.
To register click here for a copy of the application form
Pre-registration is required to schedule a ride, fare is $2 each way, rides must be scheduled at least 2 business days in advance by calling the NTS dispatch center at 603-880-0100 ext. 2.
The focus for this service is on providing transportation for non-emergency purposes and assisting those in greatest need – elderly residents, those living with a disability, and residents who are unable to drive. Other residents may use the service as space is available in the schedule. Rides are available to most destinations within the six communities and to/from Nashua depending on each day's schedule.
When scheduling conflicts arise, priority is given to rides needed by senior citizens and persons living with a disability and for non-emergency healthcare related appointments.
Souhegan Valley Rides was organized and implemented by
the Souhegan Valley Transportation Collaborative (SVTC) in 2008
in collaboration with the Nashua Transit System.
“The Blue Bus” is more than a just a ride service. It is a way for residents, especially senior citizens and neighbors living with a disability, to be as independent as possible, to accomplish their daily activities, and to remain engaged in their communities.
- Carol Brooks, Milford
The bus, driver, and call center services used to provide rides in the Souhegan Valley are purchased from the Nashua Transit System.
NTS is the public transit provider in the City of Nashua and provides service to Merrimack and Hudson. To learn more about these services, CLICK HERE to visit the NTS website.
The new NTS van - a little smaller but with all the same amenities and safety features
Do you have Medicaid health insurance?
Did you know that people who have Medicaid health insurance can get help to arrange and pay for non-emergency medical and healthcare related transportation?
If you have Medicaid insurance, please contact your Medicaid insurance provider and inquire about how to arrange for Medicaid funded non-emergency medical or healthcare appointments rides.
Below are helpful links for more information about the Medicaid transportation benefit:
NH Department of Health and Human Services Quick Guide to Transportation - CLICK HERE
State of NH – Department of Health and Human Services Click Here
NH Care Path Click Here
NH Medicaid Managed Care - Well Sense Click Here
NH Medicaid Managed Care - NH Healthy Families Click Here
NH Medicaid Managed Care - AmeriHealth Caritas NH Click Here
40,000th Ride Celebration March 2022
Mrs. F has been a "Blue Bus" passenger for six years. As a non-driver, she has always had to rely on others for rides and is very grateful for the independence that "The Blue Bus" service provides to her and other residents of her hometown.
Souhegan Valley Rides was implemented to address a documented need for affordable, non-emergency, wheelchair-accessible healthcare related transportation in our region. The bus service was founded on grassroots, regional cooperation and is overseen by representatives from the participating communities through the Souhegan Valley Transportation Collaborative (SVTC).
By working together, our communities will be more successful in establishing sustainable community transportation options and, in doing so, improve the quality of life in our Souhegan Valley hometowns.
Souhegan Valley Rides continues to roll forward thanks to the support and investment from our communities, the Federal Transit Administration through the NH Department of Transportation and the Greater Nashua Regional Coordination Council for Community Transportation (RCC7).
As of May 31, 2024 Souhegan Valley residents have taken 45,975 rides!!
Title VI, ADA & Reasonal Modifications
The Souhegan Valley Transportation Collaborative (SVTC) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
SVTC will make reasonable modifications to policies and procedures upon request. Please contact our office at (603) 860-1202 or email to info@SouheganValleyRides.org.
SVTC works closely with the Nashua Transit System (NTS), as our transportation service provider, around reasonable modifications related to service delivery. For more information about NTS policies and procedures please visit their website. For NTS Title VI information CLICK HERE. For NTS Reasonable Modifications information CLICK HERE.
To view a copy of SVTC’s Title VI Notice to the Public, please call our office at (603) 860-1202 and request a copy in the mail or CLICK HERE